
Combine the goals you aim to achieve with the steps and tools needed for implementation. Archive confidently. Set aside what is no longer current. If you need them later, you can reactivate them with a single click.

Enhance your precision

Would you like a transparent, flexible, and comprehensive task management system that also accommodates your notes? Perhaps as an entrepreneur, you'd appreciate finding tasks and information in one application, yet segmented? Or maybe you want to further detail the information collected daily?

Express what's inside you so that you can use your mind for what it's best suited for. Creation.

Set goals

Dreaming is not enough; you must act on your goals. Write them down to truly achieve your plans.

e.g., Learn the tricks of effective note-taking and organization or Acquiring clients as a freelancer

Organize by areas

Would you like to manage your separate projects in one system? No problem. Organize them under a common umbrella so that related information truly stays connected.

e.g., Creating a self-improvement area for mastering efficient note-taking or Adding a Services area to start up your freelance business

Think in projects

Open a digital folder for your tasks.

e.g., Using Notion app for note-taking or UX research for your freelance business's clients

Add tasks

Break down your project into smaller steps, i.e., the product you aim to achieve.

e.g., Searching for a Notion template for efficient organization or Observing users as part of a UX research project

Goals, areas, and projects

A project without a goal is just a hobby. A goal without a project is just a dream. (Tiago Forte)

Goal setting quarterly

Set your goals for the upcoming quarter or even for the entire year. Just a few clicks. Define the area, the period, and then you can add your projects. From this point on, if you're searching for a goal, you'll find every related project and task in one place.

Areas for your ideas

Segment work and personal life, business and self-improvement, or your sources of income, and the system will support you.

Folder for tasks

Use projects for both work and structuring your own goals. Here, a "Project" is nothing but a folder that stores the "Tasks" needed to achieve your goal.

Tasks: Small Steps to Success

The smaller the tasks you think about, the more likely you are to accomplish them. Also, assign a deadline to ensure success does not elude you.

With or Without Project Connection

You can immediately link a task to a project and assign resources and notes to it. Whatever element you connect it to, the information will be accessible from any of the connected elements. Isn't that great?


You can view the current status of your tasks in both a chronological gallery and calendar view. E.g.: today's, tomorrow's, or next week's tasks.

Reminders, Overview

Stay informed day by day. Know what to tackle on a daily and weekly basis, and in the long term, be aware of the current status of achieving your goals.

Resources: Info and Links in One Place

Think of an article you saw recently which you find hard to recall where you read. Save it as a "Resource" and then assign it to a task or project. This way, it will indeed always be at hand.

Instead of Open Tabs and Bookmarks

Save the surefire article or link to your Copilot database, so you can assign it to a project, task, or note necessary for achieving your goal. Open tabs and bookmarks in your browser are less conducive to achieving your goal than a resource information assigned to a specific objective.

Filtering by Tags

The saved articles, documents, and links can come from multiple sources. You might have read a great post on social media or an expert's website, seen a superb video on YouTube, or found a long-sought file. Tag the information to find it faster among the resources.

Sharing by Topics

The information found online can also differ in content. You can be inspired by DIY and technology topics alike, or you might have a gastronomy hobby. Without topics, organizing articles, links, documents, and notes would be cumbersome. Assign a topic to the saved information to make your database precise.

Notebooks, Notes

While browsing, you may come up with many ideas. Store your notes in your Copilot database so you don't have to wonder where you wrote them next time. The notebook will help you organize.

Easy Creation

Save the surefire article or link to your Copilot database, so you can assign it to a project, task, or note necessary for achieving your goal. Open tabs and bookmarks in your browser are less conducive to achieving your goal than a resource information assigned to a specific objective.

Project with or without Connection

The saved articles, documents, and links can come from multiple sources. You might have read a great post on social media or an expert's website, seen a superb video on YouTube, or found a long-sought file. Tag the information to find it faster among the resources.


The information found online can also differ in content. You can be inspired by DIY and technology topics alike, or you might have a gastronomy hobby. Without topics, organizing articles, links, documents, and notes would be cumbersome. Assign a topic to the saved information to make your database precise.


Set aside what is no longer current. If you need them later, you can reactivate them with a single click without having to re-enter anything.

Simple and Fast

Any type of information found in the Copilot can be archived. What does this mean? Whether it's about goals, projects, notes, etc., they can be archived with a single click.


If you change your mind, need a project again, or if your client calls back needing your service after all, you just have to uncheck the 'Archived' box, and everything will revert to its previous state.


The archived items are placed in a separate database, within which the various types of content items appear on separate pages. This way, for example, projects do not get mixed up with tasks, and so on.

$ 70

Combine the goals you aim to achieve with the steps and tools needed for implementation. Archive confidently.

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Practical Insights, Efficiency-Boosting Tips

A collection of inspiration and tips containing digitally effective note taking solutions. Using these can make you more productive and enhance the value of your business.

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Do I need to pay for using Notion?
Why should I choose the Notion application?

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