Compass for your tasks


Manage projects, tasks, and the resources needed to complete them all in one place.

Be organized

Do you know what you should focus on when you have some free time? How many times have you forgotten something important because you didn't know where to write it down? How many open tabs are there in your browser? You're not the only one who has faced these difficulties.

Look, I have a good solution for managing these everyday events mentioned above. Let me show you how.

Create a project

Organize your tasks by opening a digital folder for them.

For example DIY Sandbox or Website Redesign.

Add tasks

Break down your project into smaller steps, that is, the final product to be achieved.

For example, Procure materials for the sandbox or Request a quote for website design.

Save and link resources

Save and link all useful information and links directly in your Notion Navigator database.

For example, an article about building a sandbox or UX/UI designers for website planning.

Categorize your resources

Organize your resources into categories.

For example, Create topics such as DIY for the saved links related to sandbox making.

Project: A Folder for Tasks

You can use a project for work and for the structured organization of your own goals alike. Here, a “Project” is nothing but a folder, which stores all the “Tasks” necessary to achieve your goal in one place.

Simple Creation

Just a few clicks. Name the project, assign a deadline and priority, and you're done.

Efficient Tracking

You can follow the projects in a list, column (Kanban), or timeline view, so that the information can reach you in the form closest to you. The project's completion level can be easily read from the preview card, e.g., 80%.

Listing Related Tasks

The tasks added to the project are displayed on the project's data sheet, sorted according to their current level of completion.

Tasks: Smaller Steps to Success

The smaller the tasks you think in terms of, the more likely you are to accomplish them. Assign a deadline to them so that success is not delayed.

With or Without Project Connection

You can immediately link a task to a project, but you can also decide to take on a task without a project. Once linked to a project, the task appears in the project.


You can view the current status of your tasks in a list, column (Kanban), or calendar view.

Reminders, Overview

Stay informed day by day. On the homepage, your tasks appear in daily, weekly, and monthly views. Using it, you can easily manage your time. On a daily and weekly basis, you know what to turn to, and in the longer term, you can be aware of the current state of achieving your goals.

Resources: Info and Links in One Place

Think of a recently viewed article that you find hard to remember where you read. Save it as a “Resource” then assign it to a task or project. This way, it will indeed always be at hand.

Instead of Open Tabs and Bookmarks

Save the definitive article or link in your Notion Navigator database, so you can assign it to the necessary project and task for achieving your goal. Open tabs and bookmarks in your browser are less conducive to achieving your goals than a resource information linked to a specific project.

Filtering by Tags

The saved articles, documents, and links can come from multiple sources. You might have read a great post on social media or an expert's website, seen a super video on YouTube, or stumbled upon a long-sought file. Tag the information so you can find it faster among the resources.

Sharing by Topics

The information available online can vary in content. You can find inspiration in both DIY and technology topics, or you might have a gastronomy hobby. Without topics, organizing articles, links, and documents would be more cumbersome. Assign a topic to the saved information as well, so your database is precise.

$ 40

Manage projects, tasks, and the resources needed to complete them all in one place.

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